Purpose Of Mantra During Meditation


The most common question that comes to mind is why we need to chant or say any mantra? It is the most popular question that most people ask when they are new to meditation.

The answer to this question is very simple. It is like you are saying something to yourself and this will help you to concentrate on your own thoughts. You can use mantras to meditate for any purpose.

There are many benefits of chanting a mantra.

  • Chanting a mantra will help you to focus on your own thoughts.
  • It will make your mind calm and peaceful.
  • It will help you to get rid of negative thoughts and it will help you to stay away from anxiety and stress.
  • Mantras will help you to get rid of the bad habits and it will help you to control your thoughts.
  • Chanting a mantra will help you to keep your mind in a peaceful state.
  • It will help you to improve the quality of your sleep and it will help you to relax.
  • You can use mantra for relaxation and meditation.


I hope these answers have helped you to understand the purpose of mantra during meditation. You can say a mantra for any purpose, but I am sure if you chant a mantra for meditation then you will get amazing results.



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